Tips masuk UIA

Beautiful Amazing Awesome my IIUM! 
Assalamualaikum readers,

So hari ni nak cerita pasal TIPS masuk U or more like UIAM :DD . From a senior to junior  . Cehhh ~ Senior sangat. :p so here goes ....


Yes yes yes I faham. Senior has more experience and dah lalui apa yang korang baru je nak lalui. That does not make a senior a SAINT. That does not make what he tells you as the PLAIN TRUTH. Different people, they experience different things. And you could put two birds in a cage, one would feel like going out and the other feels so secure. lolz. Touche?

The thing is, it's totally OKAY to ask advise from your seniors, but take it with a pinch of salt. Like for example , all of us suka tanya:

A: Ehh kak, macam mana lecturer X, okay tak?
B: Eh tak okay tak okay . Lecturer X tu mmg killer . Akak pun dapat C+ jee
A: Ala yeke mcm mana ni kak?
B: Nak buat macam mana , amek je lah . Dea sorang je yang ajar .

So si A tu pun masuk la class lecturer X. Turns out she gets an A in that class? See? Lain orang lain. Jangan percaya sgtt senior senior kau ni. HAHAHA.


One thing i really love about IIUM, eventhough sometimes it's really really stressful is pre-registration season where you register for courses next semester. Memang HELL if you're a first year and you have a problem with your study plan - you tak boleh register online you have to do it manually . Basically that means you have to work around this big campus (plus you tak tahu short cuts around makes it extra hard) and carik lecturer/department to register for courses.

Memang waktu first year aku, ya Allah apa ni? Orang lain dah masuk class kita terpinga pinga. HAHA.

The stress is real but remember, this is a privilege for only IIUM students. Kenapa privilege? Now, in other unis dorang mmg dah tahu nak kena amek apa for each semester, sometimes they're are automatically registered for the courses and goyang kaki masuk class je. But here, it's special because....

a) you boleh plan what courses you want to take and when you want to.
Meaning - if you're a morning person, register for morning classes
if you sleep like the dead, better amek afternoon/evening classes.
b) if you plan your life in IIUM well, you can graduate within 3 years. Fast track baby!
Macam contoh, aku baru je 2 tahun kat IIUM ni, Matric Number 131XXXX kawan2 aku semua Level 2. Aku dah naik Level 3 :p Haaaa.


You guys really need to learn to multi-task. Jangan buat satu kerja je dalam UIA ni. Buat banyak kerja. Contohnya, belajar, kerja kat luar, join society/program, dating.. Muahehehe.

Yelahhh u are only young once and university is a great place to start looking for spouses. :DD

Yang penting kat sini, jadi student UIA kena pandai manage time well. BE PUNCTUAL.


Know the university's requirement. If you budak HS basically for direct intake you guys have to take the English Placement Test (EPT) and Arabic Placement Test (APT). Do well! Don't ignore this message. Study gila gila sebelum masuk U waktu registration, you gonna need it.

Example, kalau tak dapat band 6.5 for EPT, tak dpt masuk kulliyah ye. Duduk la kau merempat dekat CELPAD sampai dah pass English.

Kalau kau budak HS, APT level 1 pun boleh masuk kulliyah asalkan EPT pass criteria. Tapi kalau kau tahu arab, lebih baik EXEMPTED APT terus sebab Arab ni akan kacau study plan kau. Waktu study arab mmg amek byk masa seminggu and rugi sgt.

Kalau budak IRK, APT + EPT kena EXEMPTED dua dua baru boleh masuk kulliyah .


Masalah duit dengan pelajar memang tak boleh pisah kan?? Ramai kat UIA memang ada yang kuran bernasib baik.. Tak kira lah nasib kita ni baik ke tak baik yang penting SAVE FOR THE FUTURE IS MORE IMPORTANT . . >,<'

Tak perlu nak enjoy sangat , keluar sini keluar sana belanja online beli phone mahal2 . Sederhana is key! Tak payah nak ikut ikut sgttt kawan .

Setakat ni 5 tips je aku bagi.. Otak dah tepu tak boleh nak fikir . Haha

See ya!


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