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Me sleeping at the airport in Dubai (transit)

I have a dream. (read: lots of dreams, but I will talk about only one today)

My dream may a small dream, but it is a dream nonetheless.

In 2011, during my SPM years, I went for a family UMRAH (minor pilgrimage to Makkah & Madinah, the holy land.

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It was a wonderful experience. But I kind of ruined it by not being serious during the whole trip. By not being serious, I mean not making the most of my time there. 

I really miss it there too much that it hurts. My heart fills with regret that I didn't do my best. Sometimes I get dreams that it's azan in my dream, that I see the kaabah in front of me, that I sleep at a hotel near the kaabah. 

It feels like I want to cry now. 

I am not the type to sit and wait. By sit & wait, I mean wait for something good to happen, wait for life to take its course, wait for life to smile upon me... 

I am the type to stand up & get what I want. 

Even if I have to lose everything. 
Even if I have to give my all. 
Even if I don't sleep and eat. 

So, you guys know that I am currently working right now. So, for lunch we buy food at food trucks near our building and this particular food truck sells really good nasi ayam goreng kunyit. 

That's where my inspiration came from. To start a food business to fund for my umrah trip. My modal was RM100 and I need to make it grow into RM12k. I am sincere and honest. My business is about making money to go to umrah. I am not a money type of person (of course I can live with limited resources, but to achieve my dream I know that I need it). All profit goes to our umrah piggybank. 

My husband is currently not working. I have a fixed tiny income of RM1.7k (nett). This is a small income when I deduct my responsibilities I hardly have any savings left. 

It is not that I am not grateful for my job. It's just that it is not enough for me to save for one place that I really want to go with Fadzel. 

I am not happy with my job. I am not happy with what I am being paid for. It may sound like I am a mil-lineal who seems to think that I myself is entitled to a large income but in my defense, I know myself. 

I know me. I know I am hardworking & execute the best in whatever that I do. That's just me. I give my best but people don't seem to give me the due I deserve.

Anyway, I thought let's make my dream happen. 

I started selling nasi ayam goreng kunyit last week on Saturday. My husband wasn't on board with the idea. He usually wasn't but now we're good. 

You can help too, by buying from us. 

Here is what we sell: 

Please note that we only changed the packaging from container to paper but the quality and taste is still awesome!!!

I posted a Facebook post on my wall, you can read it here: 

PROJECT UMRAH 1.0 (23rd April)
Alhamdulillah, dah selesai buat pertama kali dalam hidup untuk berbusiness makanan. Acah-acah menyahut saranan menteri kita untuk bekerja dua kerja (pun intended) 
Terima kasih sangat pada yang support kitaorang, yang like yang comment, yang share walaupun tak beli. Maklumlah balik kampung cuti panjang kannnnn 😂serious aku terharu dengan respons yang positive 😍    korang ni memang AWESOME!!!

Sebenarnya, nak cerita hari ni kenapa kita tiba tiba nak buat food delivery?
Pertama, kat tempat kerja ada satu food truck ni yang jual nasi ayam goreng kunyit. Ramai yang beli, beratur panjang juga dan sangat sedap!! So kt situ kitaorang terfikir nak buat menu ni, sedap, senang & puas hati!
Second, sebab sekarang tengah kumpul duit nak pergi umrah. Jujur cakap gaji mmg tak cukup nak buat savings sebab yelah kita fresh graduate, gaji pun tak berapa banyak. Tapi sebab nak sgt pergi umrah, maka tercetuslah idea ni
Lastly, kitaorang nak bagi makan dekat students - yelah korang penat berjihad kitaorang pun niat nak bg makanan yang sedap & halalan toyibba. Dpt jugak kumpul pahala kannn
Terima kasih sekali lagi pada semua.
Open order for dinner tonight
Whatsapp/Call/Message 0177419397 @ PM direct

So far, we have received so many positive responses from people. but we still need buyers to support our dream. 

If you know anyone living near us, please share :)

To order, please send a message to

Oh Allah,

I has strayed from you too many times. Let me redeem myself and go on this spiritual journey to you.

Oh Allah,

Please help me to raise enough $ for umrah.

Oh Allah,

We will not succeed except for your blessing and your guidance. Help us to go to your holy land.

Amin amin ya Rabbal Alamin.

Thank you for reading. Please pray for us.

Here is a picture of the kaabah that my brother took:

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