Respect begets respect ~

Respect is one word with multiple meanings. For some people, respect is one thing, and for others, it means something quite opposite.

Firstly, I am appalled by the Malay culture. You are expected to call someone "Kakak" and "Abang" even if you're just one year younger. Is that how you measure respect? So.. if  I don't call you that then you attribute it to being disrespectful?

Secondly, experience is something so utterly subjective. Quality is more important than quantity. Don't you agree? It doesn't mean that you're older so you're more experienced leading to wisdom. Again, age is just a number. Allah tests us in so many different ways and some people are tested in a difficult situation a hundred times more challenging than yourself.


Yes, you have to be respectful to others regardless of age. When you're older, you respect the young ones first, so they may respect you. Be respectful first. Don't go on demanding respect. However, when someone is disrespectful to you, it is your choice to be rude. But kindness always wins.

To me, respect needs to be earned, not given freely.

Gentlemen respect women.
Cowards disrespect women.
Men, do not go on hitting your wives and scolding them when they're made a mistake. The psychology of women is that their hearts are as soft as silk. Although they may look tough like part of the Mafian Gang, deep down they're actually sentimental in nature.

My mother was slapped in the face, scolded in public, continuously screamt at and wronged for the things that wasn't her fault.. By her husband. She was slapped because she corrected a quranic verse that was pronounced wrongly. She was scolded in public because she tried to make him understand what the third party was talking about. She was screamt at when she was driving in the car. She was also wronged for when my brother's bike was involved in an accident.

 This is not being the man Islam asked you to be.
Good guys don't hit women.
Good guys don't scold their wife in public.
Good guys don't threaten their wife.

Honestly, I have no respect at all for the father. To me, he's not a father. He's not a husband. He's a person trying to live life in the best way he can while sucking the life out of others.

...Because Respect begets respect...
And Allah is the best Judge of all. 


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