How 101: Be on the Dean's List and Rock it.

Yesterday, exam results are finally out. Some of you are surprised, joyful and some even shed a few tears. Alhamdulillah for my results, I managed to maintain it and I'm happy. *happy tears*

So what does it takes for your name to be on the Dean's List? Being on the Dean's List doesn't mean you study hard, it's because you're smart enough to come up with  strategies.

. Here are a few tips on my side on how to improve your GPA and get your name listed as dean's list. :D

1) Go big for the first and second semester

  • The first few semesters are usually the easy ones to score As,since we have to take level ones and level two subjects. 
  • Be wise and plan your study plan well. Consult your mentor or academic adviser on what subjects to take. Some subjects are interconnected while others are just opposite which might just confuse you. 

2) Course work

  • Choose your group mates wisely. People tend to social loaf when working in groups, or in another familiar term "free riding" that totally would piss most of you, unless you're one of them... Since, you're going to be working together, it's important you choose group mates that are diligent and do the work assigned to them

  • In some cases, lecturers divide you into groups, (something I felt last semester, quite frustrating but that's  a blessing in disguise, it's where I met my husband :D) so if you really want good marks for your CAM, take charge of the group. DO NOT wait for people to start. You make the start.

  • People really like to do things last minute. You can do it if you do things properly and you're an expert. -,-' Which you are not. Do things step by step. Start early.

  • Another reason why you need to start early with projects and assignments is so that you can check it with your lecturer to correct any mistakes so that it would increase your marks. Most students just submit without asking for feedback. There's always room for improvement :D
  • Think out of the box. Take risks to be unique, it will be what your lecturer remembers the most. More marks! 

3) Consistency

  • Do not study only during exams. Consistency is key. Studying after learning something is essential. The forgetting curve suggests that you forget most of the new information after you learnt something. You learn and you forget totally without rehearsal. Take time 30 minutes each to refresh your mind. Study before and after lessons. 
  • This is my weapon. I study consistently each day (OK, i skip some days because studying is sometimes boringggg, HAHA) So when exams are around the corner, you study in a relaxed manner and watch all of your friends suffer. *evil laughs* Well, siapa suruh? Padan muka.

4) Open your mouth

  • Ask questions when you don't understand. You gain more than you lose. Get out of your shell of shyness and ask questions in class even as dumb as they may sound. (OK, dumb I can still handle, but annoying OMG -,-') 
  • Participate in class. Exercise your right as a student.

6) Study style

  • Know yourself. Some people learn better through verbalization. Others learn visually. Make mind maps. Study in groups. It really helps. 

  • Make notes not just notes of a  photocopy version of what your lecturers said in class, word by word verbatim but notes that are meaningful to you. So that the information is easily processed into that brain of yours.  

6) Believe!

  • Some people degrade yourself just because you don't believe in themselves. You need to get rid of this particular mentality! Ask yourself, if she can do it, I can do it!

  • It also helps to have great social support.  Honestly, I am not someone who's naturally smart and all but I received unconditional positive regard from my mother. She would support me in everything and advise me like "You can do anything if you pray and do it with your heart"
  • Study well and always pray to Allah. There are some verses of the Quran that help you study. Recite it always. Before studying especially. And always pray to Allah to give you what you want. If it's good for you, how can Allah deny you that? :D

**All the best for this coming semester. Remember, don't give up. You can do it! Anyone who says other wise needs to be kicked in the neck...


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