
Showing posts from January, 2015

Shooting for Promo under Mercy Mission

Lights. Camera. Action! Everybody wants their one minute of fame in the big screen, right? ....And I got it! :D  It's nice that I gained experience to be under the limelight. Kisahnya... Class mate lama aku, nama dea Sayd Haque from Intro to Mass Comm, dea cakap perlu seorang perempuan untuk acting/modeling. Disebabkan aku bosan, jadi aku ON je lah. Haha ^^' Experience is the best teacher, right? Videonya 1 minit lebih jaa. But there are lots of sequences. The producer is Saleem Rehan. Check out this guy, really cool vids, islamic da'wah style. ;  Saleem Abduhu It was my first time doing a promo so I don't know what to expect. Jumpa dea dengan Sayd dekat Kafe Halimah. Dea cakap esok pagi shooting dalam bus pukul 7.30 pagi dah kena terpacak dekat depan Mahallah Office tunggu dea dengan wife dea. The reason behind it is that the SUNLIGHT is nice during that time. Okay, I didn't understand at that time. Lepas tu dea kata kena pakai niqab sebab video akan ...

How 101: Be on the Dean's List and Rock it.

Yesterday, exam results are finally out. Some of you are surprised, joyful and some even shed a few tears. Alhamdulillah for my results, I managed to maintain it and I'm happy. *happy tears* So what does it takes for your name to be on the Dean's List? Being on the Dean's List doesn't mean you study hard, it's because you're smart enough to come up with  strategies. . Here are a few tips on my side on how to improve your GPA and get your name listed as dean's list. :D 1) Go big for the first and second semester The first few semesters are usually the easy ones to score As,since we have to take level ones and level two subjects.  Be wise and plan your study plan well. Consult your mentor or academic adviser on what subjects to take. Some subjects are interconnected while others are just opposite which might just confuse you.  2) Course work Choose your group mates wisely. People tend to social loaf when working in groups, or i...

Fire and Ice

The flames inside her  are burning No one knew she was really hurting The kindness of his heart illuminated And for the first time -  She was his fire and he was her ice. He gave her what she thought she lost and soothed the pain that always burn Agony left and he was the cause He gave her hope to fight all her demons He was always by her side As cold as ice he was - and as fiery as flame she was- He stayed even though it was sometimes painful Little did he know, every day she was grateful that an angel came and saved her from herself. The fire still burns and ice still melts What is this love if not true like him? To her, he's imperfect in a perfect way But - She's full of scars and it hurts to say goodbye She hopes that he has the strength to resist all kinds of fireballs to love her in the most irrevocable way to be gentle and to answer her calls when she's vulnerable and needs him the most. The question is....

The Power of SPSS

:') Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Last semester, I first learnt about SPSS from my teacher, Asst. Prof. Dr. Harris Shah Abdul Hamid, Head of Psychology of Department. It was a bundle of joy to learn lab-based statistics PSYC 3100! :') I was not the type that really likes Math but now, I am not afraid of it anymore. Since I already know what and how to answer the questions. Some people get really frustrated with SPSS sometimes because they do not understand what to do with it. At first, I was skeptical about my abilities to master SPSS. It was an oeverwhelming feeling but gradually it vanished. Although I am in in undergraduate studies, I look forward to using SPSS in research. And maybe upgrade to another different type of software, hehe. Anyway, for those of you psychology students who are taking PSYC 3100 next semester, all the best! Dr Harris. is not a monster, you can ask him anything and he'll help you. In learning, it is essential to...

Poem: Love Spell

He who  lurks in sunlight  He who also plans in the dark Like a beast that roams in the night And feeds when bestowed with luck She who has the kindest soul She who was so gentle but never cold A kind that was so naive and innocent She fall for it all in one single instant Never did she knew he was a living monster Everyone knew except for her who falls in love An infinite spell that was casted upon her To say to everything nothing else matters. In her eyes, he was her hero Never did she know, all he did equals zero He used her over and over and over She was his slave but he was her lover He is a psychopath, he really is! She changed in a way that she was not recognized To him and only him she pledged Leaving her mother father sister brother daughter She did not see - Because the love spell is still unbroken.  **Thoughts : Love is a very powerful spell. It can make you or destroy you. :(


Singaporeans, get your facts right. When you ask Singaporeans, who is the first Mufti of Singapore? They tend to recall the 2nd Mufti which is utterly dissappointing. :(  Isn't he just a cute old man? :) Born as  Mohd. Sanusi bin Mahmud bin Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Rahim bin Azmi ,   He is Singapore's first Mufti for 3 years. He married a beautiful egyptian woman named Saiedah Hassan of also turkish descendent.  They had two daughters and six sons together. And they are: (not in order,sorry) 1) Fauziyah  2) Mustafa 3) Mohammad 4) Abdullah 5) Huda 6) Abdul Mohsen 7) Nasser 8) Mohktar Haji Sanusi was a bright and extremely intelligent student. He studied in Victoria Bridge School and Al-Azhar University with the highest distinction, making him the first Singaporean to achieve that.  He also studied in Indonesia and Haramain. He can speak English, Arabic, Malay and French.  He is one of the finest ...

Kenapa perlu dan tidak perlu kahwin awal?

Kenapa kenapa dan kenapa? Kahwin muda zaman sekarang sudah pun kembali menjadi trend yang sangat hot. Yelah, semua orang nk kahwin. Tak ada siapa nk hidup sorang kan? :) Aku ni tkde lh muda sangat kahwin 21 tahun je tapi dari dulu memang impian aku nk kahwin awal sejak aku jejak kn kaki dalam UIA, Taman Ilmu & Budi. Entah kenapa, mungkin tengok orang lain kahwin best kot:) So.. Apa sebabnya perlu berkahwin awal? 1) MENJAGA HATI Ini sebab utama kenapa aku berkahwin. Number one on my list is to protect my heart from sins. Bank dosa bertimbun dan asyik bertimbun asyik nak masuk je. Keluar tak nak pulak. Dunia akhir zaman ni banyak maksiat :( Aku takot anak aku nanti macam mana. Tengok lah dalam t.v. pun, even in Malaysia, romance and sex everywhere! Malaysia ni kira okay lagi lah negeri Islam, tapi kalau dah kenyit kenyit mata, berangan tiap malam bukan dosa ke? Zina hati kan. Setiap orang ada nafsu. Even aku yang belajar agama ni pun susah nk kawal nafsu, macam mana? ...

Best of Both Worlds

For 16 years, my home was in sunny island, Singapore. I love Singapore even though it's soo tiny! I was born in East Shore Hospital and my first house was in Jalan Binjai. It was a banglo but we moved after my baby brother came into our life to Tampines. East View Primary School (EVPS)also known as Empty Vessel Primary School Junyuan Secondary School For six years, I spent my life here EVPS and just a year in JYSS. Life was terrible! Totally terrible because I was continuously bullied every other day. Maybe it's because I am nerd. Opps. This might be the reason why I would choose guys over girls. I was not a smart person and the education here is tougher than education in Malaysia. I barely made it during my PSLE with an aggregate of 201. Barely made it into Express Stream. Singapore is acclaimed for its education system right. I heard Singaporean students are quite stressed out. Thank God I survived my phase! I loveee living in Singapo...

Respect begets respect ~

Respect is one word with multiple meanings. For some people, respect is one thing, and for others, it means something quite opposite. Firstly, I am appalled by the Malay culture. You are expected to call someone "Kakak" and "Abang" even if you're just one year younger. Is that how you measure respect? So.. if  I don't call you that then you attribute it to being disrespectful? Secondly, experience is something so utterly subjective. Quality is more important than quantity. Don't you agree? It doesn't mean that you're older so you're more experienced leading to wisdom. Again, age is just a number. Allah tests us in so many different ways and some people are tested in a difficult situation a hundred times more challenging than yourself. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER, PEOPLE. Yes, you have to be respectful to others regardless of age. When you're older, you respect the young ones first, so they may respect you. Be respectful first. Don'...

Wide Awake.

1.07 AM. I am wide awake. And I decided to write out of the blue. Like.. suddenly.. There must be something. I guess I am tired of keeping things cooped up inside this tiny little heart.  The mysteries of the heart.. No one could comprehend. Everyone has their secrets.  Dark dirty secrets that are found buried under those black covers.... My husband and I met in IIUM Gombak. It was a rush of ecstasy. I remember reading once "Love is like being addicted".  When you're in love, and you scan your brain using a PET SCAN, the pre-frontal cortex would appear all blue... It means there's no brain activity: You can't think properly! And it's really true when they say Love is blind. To this day, we have been married for 2 months and 1 day:) I'll spare the details of how we ended up together but as Muslims we are subjected to believe in pre-destination that everything happens for a reason.  In the Quran, there is a verse that sounds...