
Showing posts from 2017


It takes three and a half years for us to complete our university degree. Some people take even longer, maybe four or five years! After those years wasted on a piece of meaningless paper that can be used as toilet paper as well, (you may agree to disagree!) Students nowadays are saddled by student loans and debts. 30k is the minimum range. I have always been a hardworking student. Education is an important component in my life. Remember when our parents (not mine, btw) used to warn us that if we do not study hard and achieve the best results, we'll end up collecting garbage on the street? Well, that's how I emphasise on my education. I was born in Singapore and Singapore's education system is one of the best in the world. Unfortunately, I was a stupid ass, never cared about my education & even was placed last/second last in class. But... when I moved to Malaysia, I keep my grades up.. didn't know if I became smarter or was just as stupid as I was before (p


This Ramadhan is a historic moment for me as it is the very first time I am involved in a vehicle accident. Before this, I was a passenger while my husband rode the motorbike to go everywhere. That was 3 years and never once did we have any accidents. The date is 1st of June & it was on the 6th of Ramadhan. Hubby picked me up from work as usual. We were in the centre lane and out of the blue a car hit us from the left. The car wanted to switch lanes but didn't bother to look carefully before proceeding. Actually, I saw the car and I knew the car was going to hit us but I was too shocked to warn my hubby. It was so painful... My husband tercampak to the front and I rolled to the back. We were about 100 meters away from each other. The impact of the car injured most of my left part of the body. Luckily, we didn't sustain any major injuries from the accident. I don't know why I am feeling a little down, I am not sure if it is due to the accident. I guess I


Heyy guys. I am so swamped with life that I didn't sat down to write a blog post.  But now, I am finally making time to write something that I have been meaning to write in a while. SURVIVOR IS MY FAVOURITE REALITY SHOW!  "The veteran reality series hosted by Jeff Probst brings its 20 castaways to the Mamanuca Islands in Fiji for its 34th installment. This season's theme, "Game Changers," brings back castaways who helped evolve the game through their competitiveness and willingness to put it all on the line, who once  again vie to outwit, outplay and outlast one another. The returning players include two-time winner Sandra Diaz-Twine, and two contestants making their fourth attempt at a win. In the end, one castaway earns the title of Sole Survivor". As a kid, I have always loved to watch survivor, even now I still do watch it with my husband (who is also the fan of the show btw).  As a kid, I watch Survivor for the drama that it entales.  As an


Me sleeping at the airport in Dubai (transit) I have a dream. (read: lots of dreams, but I will talk about only one today) My dream may a small dream, but it is a dream nonetheless. In 2011, during my SPM years, I went for a family UMRAH (minor pilgrimage to Makkah & Madinah, the holy land. It was a wonderful experience. But I kind of ruined it by not being serious during the whole trip. By not being serious, I mean not making the most of my time there.  I really miss it there too much that it hurts. My heart fills with regret that I didn't do my best. Sometimes I get dreams that it's azan in my dream, that I see the kaabah in front of me, that I sleep at a hotel near the kaabah.  It feels like I want to cry now.  I am not the type to sit and wait. By sit & wait, I mean wait for something good to happen, wait for life to take its course, wait for life to smile upon me...  I am the type to stand up & get what I want.  Even if I

Movie Review: Split (2017)

Every since I was a kid, I loved being a potato couch 😆I love lazing around & watching good old movies. I am sure everyone loves that too!! But lazing around, doesn't mean I stop thinking & enjoy the show. It actually stimulates my mind to think about deep, existential questions about humans, especially English movies! They make really good movies & there is always always a meaningful takeaway from the show.  So, last two days, I browsed through and saw this interesting poster.  The synopsis of the movie titled Split are as follows:  Though Kevin (James McAvoy) has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher (Betty Buckley), there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all of the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him -- as well as everyone around him -- as the walls between h


Since I am technically working at a gym, we decided to do a video on 5 simple exercises one can do at home. But, the video which was initially for my Youtube channel didn't turn out as how I wanted it to be. So, instead here is a blog post about it! 1: FORWARD LUNGE Put one foot in front of the other & slowly move downwards. And repeatedly. This exercise can strengthened your legs, and activate the glutes (butt). We spend our day mostly sitting down, pancaking our glutes and this practice can help to activate the muscles in the butt area! 2: SQUATS  An alternative to the forward lunges, both legs are parallel to one another and the person moves downwards about a few seconds before coming up again. The benefit of this exercise is similar to the forward lunge. 3: BENT KNEE PUSH UP Start off your fitness routine with baby steps. The normal push up is you do not bend your knee. But for beginners like us, I highly recommend putting this into your dail

How I met your Father Season 1 Episode 1

Kids.. This is a story about how I met your father.. It was September 2013. It was nice evening in Research Methodology class where two different souls sat together, learning the same materials. A girl was loud and active and a guy was quiet and passive. The girl didn't notice the guy but notices some one else (read: her crush). Fast forward in the next semester, the girl and the guy were also in the same class but this time, it's Physiological Psychology. The girl notices the guy this time as they were destined (more like forced) to be in the same group for a course project. . . . I remember the first time I noticed him. He introduced himself as 'Fadzel' and I told him to create a whatsapp group. At first glance, he looked handsome to me during our first chance meeting. When he created the group, we were chatting with each other and he said, 'we are in the same RM group together...'. In my mind, I felt guilty because I did not even notice him a


HEY GUYS! I am excited about this post! Finally, after a few months of thinking out loud and thinking again with sweet chubby hubby, finally, we are going to do it for real this time!!! This week, I started thinking about ideas that we would like to share and finally ideas are becoming digital content! I am not going to spoil it for you so you have to subscribe to my channel and wait for it ;) Currently, I have two (embarrassing) videos already uploaded. But this week we are going to be recording something. Stay tuned and please subscribe to my channel as a way to support us in this new project! P/S: The link is: XOXO Maryam

Laying out all my options

I remember my final examination paper. It feels like it was just recently that I sat for my clinical psychology paper. It seems just yesterday that I was still a student learning psychology. That was two months ago. Today is nearing the end of March. Which means that it's SALARY DAY TOMORROW! If people ask me what I want, I think I can give a straightforward answer, assuming that I have the means to do. But, I NEED help. I need some input on my future since I feel that there is no 'light' in my future. Option A: Further my studies Get a masters degree and then probably a PhD. My passion lies in the field of forensic psychology. But there is no course here in Malaysia. So I will need to go overseas, I have already applied for Masters in Forensic Psychology at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. They reviewed my application and I have been invited for an interview. Before that I need to make sure that my degree is  BPS-accredited which means money in pounds 😭 I h


It freaking sucks. You feel lonely. At first you felt like a caterpillar in your uni years and approaching the final semester you are a cocoon and finally a butterfly ready to spread its wings. But, imagine, you are the only butterfly among the caterpillars and now you wish that you'd rather be a caterpillar among all caterpillars. That's how i feel, metaphorically. The job market for psychology majors are really limited edition. There's not a lot of jobs that is specifically designed for psychology. I believe you count with own bare hands. And if there were any jobs, you need more qualifications because your first class honours degree is just a piece of paper. Then, there's the other case where people around don't know about psychology but they think they own about it. People believe what they want to believe. People rather turn to the interesting and sensational information rather than listen to you. Things like the EMOwave, (read everything about

The most embarassing moment of my life?

Watch my audition for Media Prima News Reader here Link down below: Tell me what you think in comments below :)

How to get a 4.00 CGPA (Part 1)

Finally, after 3.5 years I achieved what I sought out to achieve during my first year in IIUM. My mentor asked me what my goal in terms of GPA was and I said without thinking too much 4.00. He told me to be realistic and I told him that I will prove him wrong (paveolitely, I hope :D)  FYI: that lecturer became one of my favourite lecturer and mentor hokay... Anyway, back to why I am writing this post. Someone, an acquaintance asked me how I did it.. To be frank, I seriously do not know any answer to that. People think I have some sort of trade secret in the education department.  So i told hubby what this person requested for. And i said what do i say? He replied, don't say don't have anything... blah blah blah don't give him the crap that you don't have any tips. so i replied something I hope will help him.  But tonight, I am thinking really hard in terms of advising my juniors and future juniors in taking charge of your education in your own hands


Disclaimer: Post ini untuk tujuan memberi info tentang interview SPA mengikut pengalaman saya. Boleh buat rujukan tapi perlu ingat temuduga berbeza-beza mengikut siapa yang menduga. 1. Interview is conducted in English (Alhamdulillah, ALLAH sgt mudahkan) 2. My interview lasts about 10-15 mins while others may vary from 30 mins and above. 3. The panel interviewers are SPA officer and the departmental officer, in my case, pegawai JPA. 4. The panelists were very warm, especially the SPA officer who is an Indian man. 5. The SPA officer asked the questions first: a) so you're married? b) where is your husband working now? c) do you think that when both of you are psychologists is it a good thing or bad thing? d) if you have a client u don't like, what will you do? e) what if there is a conflict of interest whereby you have to serve someone you know (relatives and friends)? 6. Then JPA officer tanya: a) Where did you do your internship? b) What is your projec